Thursday, March 6, 2008

Every Cloud Has its Silver Lining

Henry Cate over at the "Why Homeschool" blog is finding the news headlines today a bit on the depressing side & I can't say that I blame him. As I've been talking about at great length this week, homeschooling is under attack here in California and also now in D.C. The economy may be in recession, oil is at a whopping $106/barrel, the Euro is at a record high against the dollar, and stocks are tumbling as a result of all these woes.

So anyways, Henry is looking to start a "good news" meme, where people talk about something good that's going on. It could be anything- personal, in their community, or of national, or global interest.

The good news I have to share is that my DH, who has hitherto been a bit skeptical about homeschooling, showed for the first time yesterday the willingness to make a serious commitment to it. Whereas before he had shown reluctance to spend money on curricular materials and enrichment classes, he has agreed to pay for our DD to enroll in Stanford EPGY's "Reading and Writing About Literature" and "Language Arts and Writing" courses this upcoming fall.

I suspect that the impetus for committing to homeschooling is that his libertarian tendencies have been aroused by the Long case. However much "on the fence" he may have previously been about homeschooling, the fact that the People's Republic of California is claiming that he has no right to choose it for his own child makes him defiant. By golly, he's going to show those "nanny state" liberals!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's very good news! You're right, every cloud has a silver lining. My husband and I spent all morning discussing the California case and our liberties in general. Extreme persecution usually precedes revival, so that's a silver lining. :-)

Having your husband on your side in this important issue is great - it's nice to have a unified front. Blessings to you,