Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Waiting...

Boy, the last bit of pregnancy does seem to really drag on! My due date is Thursday, but my oldest was a week late (my 2nd was a scheduled induction). I tried all the old wives' remedies for jumpstarting labor with my first and nothing worked- the doctor ended up having to break my water. So I think I'll just skip all the heartburn-causing spicy food and whatnot this time around...


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

I do remember those last days of pregnancy. My first was nearly three weeks late, and I tried every old wives' tale in the book. She came when she came . . . and the labor wasn't very long (10 hours total) when she finally decided to enter the world.

My second was an induction three days before his due date, but because I was on bed rest, the end of the pregnancy seemed to drag forever!
Has your brain turned to oatmeal and run out your ears yet? Mine did. But, again, once they induced (due to pre-ecplampsia), the labor was short (4 hours).

May you have an easy delivery and much joy with your new baby!

Barbara Frank said...

When you're nine months' along, time sure drags, doesn't it? Hope the baby decides to arrive very soon, so that you all can celebrate!