Friday, January 23, 2009

Heart-Warming Link

Earlier this afternoon, the baby was asleep in my arms and I was sipping tea and flipping through this week's edition of the Archdiocese newspaper. I came across the following column by Ginny Kubitz Moyer (who blogs over at "Mary & Me"). Maybe it's just the wacky post-partum hormones, but it brought me to tears.
"it's not really the clothes I want to keep forever. It's this age, the beautiful baby months when Luke smiles his gummy smile, learns to hold his rattle, and laughs with the glee of the very new.

I love it, this sweet time when he fits perfectly against my shoulder, when his little body smells of warmth and sleep and babyhood.

No, I can't make the earth, or time, stand still.

But, like all moms, I'd give anything to try."

Friday, January 16, 2009

We're Home!

Our new baby girl was born at 1:03 P.M. on Tuesday the 13th after a little less than 4 hours of labor. She weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz. and was 19" long.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Assuming that I don't go into labor on my own tonight and that L&D does not get swamped tomorrow morning, my OB has scheduled me for an induction. Please keep me and my baby in your prayers for a quick and uneventful delivery!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Still Twiddling my Thumbs

I spent several hours at L&D yesterday before they decided to release me because I was not yet in active labor. That's what I had told my OB when I had called but she had still wanted me to be checked out. Turns out that the fluid I felt trickling was just my mucous plug and not amniotic fluid and the irregular contractions that were 5-7 minutes apart never got any stronger or more regular.

I've got an OB appt tomorrow, and if the baby has not yet arrived, I'm going to ask about scheduling an induction.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Keeping My Fingers Crossed...

...that all these irregular contractions I've been having this morning actually turn out to be something significant. I've so ready to get this show on the road!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

To Quote Tom Petty...

"The wai-ai-ting is the hardest part..."

Don't get me wrong- labor is far from a walk in the park but at least for me it goes fairly quickly (3 hours with my 1st, 6 hours with my 2nd).

But this sitting around having reached my due date just twiddling my thumbs with no discernible end in sight is absolutely killing me!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gadget Lust

I'm generally a fairly frugal and pragmatic individual, but there's something about the very end of pregnancy that makes me start pining after stuff I don't really need and don't really have the disposable cash in my budget to purchase.

Fortunately, the first thing is something that I probably couldn't find anyways: a Wii Fit system.
Now, DH has had a PlayStation 2 system for a number of years that I have never used. Video games are simply not something I find interesting. I'd much rather spend my free time reading or cooking or surfing the 'Net or whatever. But the Wii Fit looks really cool!

Intellectually, I know that I already own plenty of stuff to get a great home workout- a closet full of fitness gear and several shelves' worth of exercise DVD's. But part of me is like a spoiled child whining for the latest "hot" toy: "I don't wanna play with those things- I want THAT one!" Real mature, huh?

The second thing that I've been lusting after is another fitness gadget: the Nike + iPod system. I've already got a decent pair of running shoes, mp3 player, and heart rate monitor that until recently I've been perfectly happy with. They just aren't all synced together in a high tech way. Again, intellectually I know it's not worth spending ~$150 on an iPod Nano, ~$90-120+ for a pair of Nike+ shoes, and ~$29 for the kit to make them work together. BUT that doesn't stop the spoiled brat part of me from wanting it...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Still Waiting...

Boy, the last bit of pregnancy does seem to really drag on! My due date is Thursday, but my oldest was a week late (my 2nd was a scheduled induction). I tried all the old wives' remedies for jumpstarting labor with my first and nothing worked- the doctor ended up having to break my water. So I think I'll just skip all the heartburn-causing spicy food and whatnot this time around...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

Happy New Year, everyone! Let's hope that 2009 sees a turnaround in the economy and soon :-)