Sunday, December 28, 2008

I've Been Married a Decade Today...

DH and I are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary today. Boy, does that make me feel OLD!

I know that rationally I shouldn't feel that way because we were practically babies by today's standards when we took the plunge (I was a month shy of my 22nd birthday and DH had just turned 23). But 10 years still seems like a fairly long time to be married!


Elisheva Hannah Levin said...

Mazel tov!

It's amazing how the time flies!

Henry Cate said...


You are youngesters. :-)

Janine and I will be hitting our 18th anniversary in a couple months.

Best wishes for the next 10, and the ten after that, and ....

Kristina said...

Congratulations! We're almost to our 12th. On the one hand, it seems like we've been married forever (as in, we've always been together), yet, it seems just like yesterday that we were married.

And, you're nowhere close to being old, no matter how long you've been married! Although, I do understand, since I felt old at 24 because I was working on my 3rd kid and none of my contemperaries had children, yet.

Henry Cate said...

Ops, I just realized, we're only coming up on our 17th anniversary. I must be getting old.

Alexandra said...


Kirsten said...

Congratulations. Much better being married so long than the alternative :-). It's wonderful to be happily married.